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Overcome barriers in logistics management through AnyLogi

Logistics management is a crucial part of every business supply chain, which includes key facets such as planning, order management, logistics, inventory and delivery to end-customers. In addition, the world’s shift towards e-commerce and online shopping means that logistics will play an increasingly important role in end-customers’ purchasing experience.

Logistics has traditionally presented various difficulties and barriers, especially in cross-border logistics. Difficulties that businesses may face include language barriers, high system operating costs, resource-heavy manual process management, and silo-ed information and data. There are also risks in inventory management and delivery, along with extended aspects including the difficulty in finding manufacturers and managing production processes.

4 reasons to use AnyLogi

AnyLogi is a logistics management platform by AnyMind Group that caters to direct-to-consumer (D2C) and e-commerce businesses, enabling users to manage the entire order fulfillment process through integrated logistics providers and e-commerce platforms.

Real-time management


With increasing complexity and volume of supply chains, orders and shipping risks, the delay in updating logistics status and progress will lead to disruptions in shipping. With AnyLogi, customers can easily update information about orders, invoices, warehousing and shipping in real-time. Actual inventory quantity is also automatically updated and synchronized with data across e-commerce platforms, reducing the load on operating times.

CityCamp, a company that runs a chain of restaurants and D2C brands in fashion, music, drinks and lifestyle, is well-known for their D2C cola brand, OFF COLA. The company had previously faced various challenges with other logistics platforms such as short data retention periods and high human resource costs. With AnyLogi, CityCamp was able to solve these challenges and not have to manage separate warehousing and logistics management systems. The system setup was also much faster than working with logistics operation agencies, and CityCamp staff who didn’t have much experience in logistics were able to implement and operate AnyLogi quickly.

Customized packaging


Companies often see logistics as an expense, but this can, in fact, be a key method to drive increased customer satisfaction. In an era dominated by e-commerce and online shopping, packaging and logistics will often be the only physical point of contact between a business and its customers. With AnyLogi, users can either use existing or provided packaging, or tap on customized packaging and add other contents to the package such as promotional vouchers and brochures. This ensures that packaging will align with the brand and customer expectations

Access to a wide range of providers


Managing logistics and transportation of goods is inherently a resource-intensive job, and is something few small and medium businesses can do easily. With Anylogi, businesses do not need to spend additional costs and manpower, but can manage logistics activities with integrated providers immediately.

The platform also includes many features to help optimize e-commerce and logistics such as product management by batch, by shelf life, storage methods and more.

Integration with Shopify


Shopify merchants can integrate their online store (AnyLogi is available on the Shopify App Store!) with AnyLogi to automate communication and solve logistics challenges. Easily tap on a centralized and intuitive platform and network of logistics partners across the region, enabling your online business to scale across borders.

Book a demo

With AnyLogi, e-commerce and D2C businesses can now remove a major operational headache and unlock new growth opportunities

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